Happy International Women’s Day to you (and happy birthday to us!)

Today is Broom & Moon’s anniversary and it coincides with International Women’s Day — an auspicious date for an entirely women-owned business!

We’ve come a long way since we first began dreaming about a new business in a café in Hove. Since then, we’ve also learned a lot about ourselves and the kind of work we love to do.

We’ve discovered that we’re particularly excited about helping female founders build unicorns through purpose-led branding. 

Shockingly, start-ups run by women receive just 1%-3% of all VC investments. We want to change that — by helping founders, especially women, uncover and articulate their vision for their business.

Here’s a shout-out to the women who’ve helped us get where we are today:

Tracey Fellows, Former CEO, REA Group and President, Microsoft APAC
Tracey has always gone out of her way to really get to know everyone who works for her. Walking around the office with her, she knows details about everyone: their kids, a parent who’d been ill, their hobbies. It’s clear she really cares about people and that echoes in every part of her leadership. It completely changes your outlook on leadership and culture.

Helena Memory, Hedron Consulting
Helena is the guru of all things change and employee engagement. She knows everything and everyone! There’s simply no one better to get advice from on how to manage a project, run a business or navigate your trickiest problems. She’s also someone who can tell it to you straight, but in the nicest possible way. 

Natalie Cerny, Former Chief Comms Officer, Dow Jones
Natalie is an external comms extraordinaire who also totally gets internal comms. Her creativity and genius at managing people and stakeholders produces extraordinary results. She’s also taught us so much about being bold and asking for what we deserve: everyone can learn a lesson or two from the ‘Natalie Cerny School of Negotiation’!

Barb Hyman, Founder & CEO, Sapia.ai
We started working with Barb last year, and have supported her on a range of projects, from brand language to a website revamp. We love taking a brief from Barb. She’s a real powerhouse who’s always fizzing with energy and ideas. We’re in awe of the passion she shows for her product — and its potential to create a fairer, kinder world. In short: Dream Client.

Emily Aldrich, Managing Director, Aldrich & Co
Emily is one of the world’s great superconnectors. It’s not simply that she has a huge network of contacts. It’s that she’s incredibly generous about sharing them — she’s always thinking about how she can bring people together for their mutual benefit. If you’re looking for your next role — or some executive coaching to help you figure out where next — there’s no one better to turn to. She’d know exactly who to introduce you to. 

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