At Broom & Moon, we can help you with any or all of the following:

  • investor teasers — send a punchy one-pager that piques the interest of busy investors

  • investor pitch decks — compelling words and gorgeous visuals that communicate why that investor should fund your business

  • pitch preparation — get coached on how to deliver you pitch with clarity, confidence and charisma

  • investor updates — keep your existing investors in the loop to maintain their trust and double the chances they fund you again

Investor communication

Looking to raise the funds to fuel your next stage of growth?

Our work

  • The News Movement: helping an ambitious start-up secure funding

    Compelling visuals that won over investors by telling the powerful story of the brand.

  • Tech firm: Nailing the messaging for a business seeking capital to fund growth

    An investor deck designed to grab the attention of busy investors.

Need a visual identity that sets you apart from the competition?

We’d love to help.