Brand language and identity

Research shows companies with a clear purpose, goals and strategy grow faster and are more successful. That clarity comes from identifying and articulating what makes your brand unique.

We’ll get to know you and your business inside out — to help you nail the words for any or all of the following:

  • Purpose

  • Strategy

  • Values

  • Tagline

  • Elevator pitch

We can also work with you to craft a visual identity that will make you memorable in the eyes of your target audience. And tone of voice guidelines that help you talk in a way that reflects the essence of your brand.

Our work

  • Sapia: brand positioning for a fast-growing AI company

    How we helped Sapia dial back the tech talk — to better speak to the needs of their target buyer.

  • Mi9: a manifesto for employees who weren’t afraid to speak their minds

    When Mi9 asked us to help create a manifesto employees could live by, we knew this wouldn’t be your average job.

  • Dow Jones and the Wall Street Journal: a new purpose for a more challenging world

    Dow Jones, the owner of the Wall Street Journal, needed a new purpose statement that reflected its status as a provider of reliable information in a world of fake news and social media echo chambers.

  • Afiniti: values uncovered from bottom-up, not imposed top-down

    Afiniti, a provider of AI to contact centres, was seeking a new direction for its business. In particular, its new CEO wanted Afiniti to be known as a values-driven organisation that could always be trusted by its customers.

Want help finding your unique purpose and talking about it in a way that’s unmistakably you?
We’d love to help.