Afiniti: a story-based speech that resonated with prospects

Afiniti creates AI that household-name brands use in their contact centres to get customers talking to the agent best able to solve their problem.

Afiniti’s marketing had traditionally emphasised the revenue gains their AI could deliver to clients. But this strategy didn’t reflect a major concern of Afiniti’s clients and prospects: their need to create better relationships with their own customers.

The problem

Afiniti’s approach changed with “Meet Dave”, a keynote speech we created for an Afiniti executive to deliver at an industry conference. 

The speech told the story of Dave, a customer calling his mobile phone provider to rearrange his plan. 

Thanks to Afiniti’s AI, Dave gets put through to a call centre agent who makes him feel positive toward the brand. 

By showing Afiniti’s product in action, the story brought to life Afiniti’s benefits for their target buyer.

The solution

“Your presentation was brilliant — I hope we make the ‘Dave’ experience happen for all our customers!”

“Your talk was really good ! I thoroughly enjoyed it!”

“Incredible keynote, great job!”

The outcome

A video of the speech became Afiniti’s best-performing post on social media, eliciting LinkedIn comments such as:

The story resonated so much with potential buyers that it was immediately incorporated into the company’s sales material. It was also played to 150 senior sales leaders at one of America’s largest media conglomerates and a major prospect for Afiniti.

Ultimately, the story of Dave transformed Afiniti’s marketing, making it more human, compelling and buyer-focused.

“Working with Broom & Moon feels like a true partnership. I trust you because you're smart and intuitive, with a strong moral compass. I can put you in front of anyone, from the CEO to the most junior employee, knowing you’ll take the time to make everyone feel heard. Your value lies not just in your creativity, but also the fact I can rely on you to help me get a project approved and embedded, not just done.”

Natalie Cerny
Chief Marketing Officer


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