Microsoft: a video to persuade governments to invest in a new technology

Microsoft wanted help talking to government policy makers in Asia about “white spaces” — an affordable alternative to traditional broadband. 

The team needed a way to explain the benefits of white spaces to a lay person, without overwhelming technical detail.

We created a short video that explained what white spaces were, how they worked and – most importantly – why governments should promote them.

The script emphasised the impact of white spaces on people’s lives. For example, they can be used to improve communications in disaster-hit regions or connect remote schools in Africa to the outside world.

The voiceover was supported by colourful graphic images that reinforced the message. These visuals also painted a clear picture of how white space technology actually worked.

The solution:
a powerful video that made the complex simple

The outcome:

Microsoft employees got a video that could be used in presentations to governments to communicate their message about white spaces. The video made a powerful case – in clear, accessible language –  for adopting the new technology.


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