More than words on a memo?

The real test of an organization’s purpose is figuring out how to make it more than just words in a memo. For purpose to really matter, it needs to go beyond an initiative that sits on the margins of the organization.

So says Mark Weinberger, Global Chairman and CEO of EY, in a recent report on the role of purpose in powering business growth.

Our view? Hear, hear! For any purpose to be effective, it needs to be a central part of people’s day to day working lives.

Your org’s purpose should also be part of larger commitment to what we call “moonshot thinking” In other words, as well as having sense of purpose, being clear on your:

  • vision (the end goal that will allow you to fulfil your purpose)

  • strategy (the steps you will take to realise your vision), and

  • values (the shared beliefs and behaviours that will guide you on your journey toward making the vision happen)

Do you suspect there’s scope to make your org’s purpose “more than words on a memo”? Here are some questions to ask:

  • Has your organisation ever explored its purpose, vision, strategy and values (what we call your “moonshot”)?

  • If not, why not? What’s holding you back?

  • If you have uncovered your purpose, vision, strategy and values, have you articulated them? Are you confident everyone is clear on the organisation’s overall moonshot?

  • Does your moonshot — your purpose, vision, strategy and values — accurately capture who you are today, and who you aspire to be, as a team, tomorrow? Does this moonshot “feel” right?

  • Is every aspect of your moonshot current? Or does any of it need updating to reflect recent organisational changes?

  • When it came to uncovering your moonshot, did you engage people at all levels of the organisation? Or have your purpose, vision, strategy and values been imposed from top down?

  • Have you embedded your moonshot into the very fabric of your organisation? Do you and your people regularly talk about your purpose, vision, strategy and values? If not, why not?

  • If people are talking about the various aspects of your moonshot, what are they saying? Do they talk about them in positive terms? If not, why not?

  • Do you have evidence that, on a daily basis, people are:

  • Inspired by your purpose?

  • Motivated by your vision?

  • Contributing to your strategy?

  • Living your values?

Have these questions got you wondering about the potential to create more moonshot thinking in your org? If so, we’d love to chat!

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